理想: ideal中的: hit the target; hit the mark ...房子: house; building理想中的爱人: dulcinea理想中的英雄: an ideal hero理想中的人或事物: dream-boat我理想中的学校: my ideal school请描述你理想中的工作: describe your dream job是我们依照理想中的人和地产生的幻想: a fantasy we create about people and places as we'd like them to be白色的房子: the white 'house出租的房子: lodging对面的房子: the houses opposite高处的房子: aerie教师的房子: my teachers house街的房子: the house on 92nd street巨大的房子: an enormous house空的房子: a deserted house空著的房子: an empty house room chair bus宽敞的房子: a commodious house奶奶的房子: my grandmother's house闹鬼的房子: haunted house凄凉的房子: bleak house失踪的房子: the lost house我的房子: case 13 my house旋转的房子: the house is circling