One of the class organization ' s features is that it has strict class norms 班级组织的特征之一是具有严格的班级规范。
V . the development of class organization in rural schools depends mainly on teachers " guidance and supervision 农村小学班级组织的发展主要依靠教师的指导和监督。
By the wayr its maturation and development is a continuous process involving interactions between students , as well as students and teachers 班级组织的成熟和发展是生生和师生不断相互作用的过程。
The school also participated in club activities , the company had a part - time experience in the classroom for students willing to sacrifice , class organization has also actively participated in activities 在校也参与过社团活动,有过在公司兼职经历,在班上乐于为同学奉献,班级组织的活动也积极参加!
班级: classes and grades in school组织: organization; organized syst ...层次;阶级组织: hierarchy层级组织: hierarchical organization超级组织: super organization次级组织: secondary tissue各级组织: organizations at different levels上级组织: parent-organization下级组织: subordinate organization初级组织导体: primary organizer初级组织培养: primary tissue culture三级组织导体: tertiary organizer村级组织配套建设: building of village-level supporting organizations第三级组织导体: tertiary organizer电脑娱乐分级组织: computer entertainment rating organization班级活动组织的好: organize class activities well社会阶层的阶级组织: hierarchy of social rank美国童子军中年龄最高的一级组织: eagle scout年级组: classroom group同级组: coupling series班级,等级: class班级费: class fee超级组构: hiatal fabric次级组份: secondary component次级组含量: sub-class numbers