At first glance, calcite might be confused with quartz where both are clear, colorless, and "glassy" . 乍一看来,方解石可能与石英相混淆,因为两者都是透明、无色、且“呈玻璃状”的。
The desired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition of the glassy monomer to the rubbery seed lattx . 通过往橡皮状种子胶乳中分批加入“玻璃状”单体,则不能得到所要求的多相结构。
Additions for concrete . ground glassy blastfurnace siag 水硬性混凝土添加剂.细磨碎的玻璃状渣.炉
Humor corporis vitrei 玻璃状体液
Stage 1a : foeal dehiscence , yellow spot , posterior hyaloids attached to ilm 中心凹裂开,可见黄点,透明的玻璃状膜与内界膜接触。