现行: currently in effect; in forc ...良好: good; fine操作: operate; manipulate; handle规范: standard; norm; specificatio ...良好操作规范: good manufacturing practice (gmp)现行良好制造规范: cgmps current good manufacturing practices良好生产操作规范: gmp保证良好操作: guarantee of good working order良好的色谱操作规范: chapter good chromatography/ operating practices操作规范: operation specification; technical specification本地操作规范: local operating procedure评估操作规范: standard of professional appraisal practice认证操作规范: certification practice statement现场操作规范: field-work standards; fieldwork standard一般操作规范: gos良好生产操作规程: gmp操作规范睁开眼睛: work standards公司里的操作规范: code of practice卫星系统操作规范: satellite system operation guide品行良好: good behavior; moral integrity遵行良好船艺: observance of good seamanship规范化生产标准操作规程: sop临床实验室操作规范: gclp工作规范: job specification; operation specification; work norm; work specification教育管理信息系统互操作规范: emif