现有: now available; existing工作: work; operation; working; op ...现有工程师: metal- special steel engineer有工作: both my parents are at work. they are not at home现有工厂能力: existing plant force还有工作: more work没有工作: out of commission有工作, 有职业: be in employment有工作热情: passionate, open minded and team-work spirit没有工作经历: work experience - none有工资的工作: salaried employment有工作, 担任职务: be in collar; be out of collar还有工作, 职责所在: duty calls有工作, 在完成之中: in work这个男孩没有工作: this boy has no job妈,我要迟到了。我有工作了: i'll be late, mom. i have to work你女儿在英国有工作吗: does your daughter have a job in the uk有工作的, 肩并肩的, 在一起, 合作: in harmony有工作平台的登高车: snorkel装有工作部件的通用机架: tool with tools现有: now available; existing 现有材料 materials now available; materials now on hand; available information; 现有基金 fund on hand; 现有人口 existing population; 现有人力 available man-power; 现有设备 existing equipment; 现有设计 existing design; 现有外汇额 exchange position具有工作责任感和团队合作精神: good sense of responsibility and team work有工作热情、团队合作精神,思维开阔: passionate, open minded and team-work spirit有工作热情和有条不紊的办事习惯: enthusiasm organized working-habits有没有工作,有时我刚坐下来,抽泣: got no job, sometimes i just sit down and sob