现: present; now; current; exist ...先: earlier; before; first; in a ...率: rate; ratio; proportion才去决定实现先知的预言: before we choose to live the prophet's plan现现金流量折现标准: discounted cash flow criteria现下我已经找到真正的爱,你绝不会再次骗我: now i've found a real love you'll never fool me again dr.eye现相: manifest forms i.e. the external or phenomenal world the现下: [口语] now; at present现像: phenomenon现物工资: payment in kind现象: appearance (of things); phenomenon 自然现象 natural phenomenon; 社会现象 social phenomenon; 向不良现象作斗争 combat unhealthy phenomena; 暂时现象 transient phenomenon; 日[月]食是一个有趣的现象。 an eclipse is an interesting phenomenon 现为中国美术家协会: icaa现象(呵呵,不大晓得): bilocation phenomena xx现为唐英华: henry tung