现代: modern times; the contempora ...城: city wall; wall广告: advertisement; advert; ad; p ...推广: popularize; spread; extend; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...几: how many点: drop思考: think deeply; ponder over; r ...现代城广告推广的几点思考(黑狐): rar冠锦城广告推广案: rar关于语篇教学的几点思考: some thoughts on the teaching of discourse in foreign language classes对开放教学模式下教师转型的几点思考: some meditations on the role change of the teachers in open teaching model关于大学英语课堂环境的几点思考: opinions on college english classroom environment关于社科学报规范化建设的几点思考: thoughts for the standardizing construction of social science journal关于完善我国人民陪审制度的几点思考: ponderations about perfecting our country's jury stystem关于英语词汇教学的几点思考: reflections on english vocabulary teaching做好民族大学赡理健康教育的几点思考: how to educate minority students about improving psychological health广告推广: advertising promotion多媒体技术应用于大学英语教学的几点思考: reflections on multi-media's application in college english teaching关于本科教学工作评估的几点思考和建议: consideration and suggestion about evaluation of undergraduate teaching work提高高等学校办学质量和办学水平的几点思考: thoughts on improving university running quality and level现代城: soho丹枫白露广告推广方案: rar地产营销之广告推广: rar推广的: generalized neumann boundary condition