环: ring; hoop甲: the first of the ten Heavenl ...关节韧带: articular ligament环甲关节: cricothyroid articulation; cricothyroid joint环甲关节的: ceratocricoid环甲关节囊: capsula articularis cricothyreoidea; capsule of cricothyreoid joint; cricothyroid articular capsule肩关节韧带: ligament of shoulder joint围关节韧带: ligamentum periarticulare膝关节韧带: ligament of knee joint肘关节韧带: ligament of elbow joint髋关节韧带: ligament of hip joint喉环甲关节脱位: dislocation of cricothyroid joint of larynx关节韧带撕裂: desmorrhexis of joint肩锁关节韧带: ligament of acromioclavicular joint胸肋关节韧带: sternocostal ligaments胸锁关节韧带: ligament of sternoclavicular joint腰骶关节韧带: ligament of lumbosacral joint掌腕关节韧带: ligament of carpometacarpal joint掌指关节韧带: ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint桡腕关节韧带: ligament of radiocarpal joint跖趾关节韧带: ligament of metatarsophalangeal joint跗中关节韧带: ligament of midtarsal joint跗跖关节韧带: ligament of tarsometatarsal joint骶尾关节韧带: ligament of sacrococcygeal joint关节韧带分开术: division of joint ligament