We present the national primary and second ambient air quality standards as upper bound guideline . 我们把国家一级和二级环境大气质量标准作为上限控制线。
The issue of airborn carcinogens in the non-occupational environment was thoroughly reviewed by the committee on biologic effects of atmospheric pollutions of the national academy of sciences . 关于非职业环境大气中的致癌物问题,美国国家科学院大气污染生物效应委员会已作了详尽的论述。
The test methods and guidance of atmospheic exposure of ocean environmental conditions for machinery products and parts 机械产品及元器件海洋环境大气暴露试验方法和导则
Ambient air - measurement of the mass of particulate matter on a filter medium - beta - ray absorption method iso 10473 : 2000 周围环境大气.过滤介质颗粒物质的质量测量. -射线吸
En 1076 workplace atmospheres . pumped sorbent tubes for the determination of gases and vapours . requirements and test methods 工作环境大气.气体和蒸汽测定用抽气式吸附管.要求和试验方法
环境: environment; surroundings; c ...大气: atmosphere; air breath; heav ...环境大气;环境空气: ambient air环境大气质量检测传感器: environmental quality sensor环境大臣: secretary of state for environment环境大扫除: clean-up青年环境大使: youth environmental ambassadors环境大臣铃木俊一: suzuki syunichi斯里兰卡环境大会: sri lanka environment congress城乡事务和环境大臣: minister of municipal and rual affairs and the environment; municipal and rual affairs and the environment minister司法文化事务和环境大臣: minister of justice cultural affairs and environment无效的环境大小说明: invalid ienvironment size specified住房自然规划和环境大臣: housing physical planning and environment minister; minister of housing physical planning and environment大气;环境空气: ambient air大气环境: air environment; atmo heric environment; atmospheric circulation; atmospheric environment大气环境局: atmospheric environment service氛围;大气层;大气,空气;环境: atmo here环境基金会颁发的澳大利亚环境大奖: australia environmental award标准大气环境: normal atmospheric environment大气环境容量: assimilative capacity of the atmospheric environment大气环境试验: atmospheric environmental test; atmospheric test地面大气环境: atmospheric environment of the earth surface加入大气环境: apply atmosphere空间大气环境: atmospheric environment between outer space and ionosphere空中大气环境: atmospheric environment from the earth surface to stratosphere