玩: play; have fun; amuse onesel ...毽子: shuttlecock毽子: shuttlecock 踢毽子 kick the shuttlecock 踢毽子: kicking shuttlecock; shuttlecock kicking玩跷板: play at seesaw玩榛子的儿童游戏: cobnut玩跷跷板: play at seesaw; to teeter-totter玩狎: [书面语] play with frivolously; dally with顽: Ⅰ形容词1.(愚蠢无知) stupid; thick-headed; insensate 冥顽不灵 impenetrably thick-headed2.(固执; 不容易开导或制伏) stubborn; obstinate; hard 顽敌 stubborn enemy; inveterate foe; 顽疾 a stubborn illness3.(顽皮) mischievous; naughtyⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 顽英 wan ying玩祖玛: zuma顽剥橄榄岩: bielenite玩自己的球球: play ball顽痹: obstinate arthralgia玩捉迷藏: play at hide and seek; play hide-and-seek