The study on the extraction method of indirubin from indigo naturalis 青黛中靛玉红提取方法的研究
Wu zhen - sen and dou yu - hong 吴振森窦玉红
Clinical observation of postoperative anal fissure analgesic and promote wound healing treated by oleic ribbon gauze of shengji yuhong lubricate 加味生肌玉红膏油纱条对肛裂术后止痛及促进伤口愈合的临床观察
In fact , it s name , rhodochrosite , means rose - colored . colors usually range from orange to pink , pale pink , pale to deep red , orange - red , brownish red , orange - brown . often , pink and white bands run through these magnificent gems resulting in beautiful patterns 红纹玉红纹石的学名叫菱锰矿rhodochrosite ,名字来源于希腊语“ rhodon ”和“ chrosis ” ,意为其颜色为玫瑰色rhodochrosite一字,来自两个希腊字,分别指玫瑰rose和颜色color ,以象征它特殊的色彩。