玉米: maize; Indian corn; corn主要: main; chief; principal; majo ...主要产区: major production areas玉米产区: corn belt主要产层: principal producing formation主要产煤省: leading coal producing province主要产品: main products; major product; prime products; principal products; staple item; staple product主要产品有: k5 kmmx cpu主要产物: primary product; staple主要产业: major industry; staple industry主要生产区: major producing area; principal producting area各国主要产品产量: output of principal products in selected countries制造商,主要产品有: cyrix:cpu主要产品, 基本产品: staple product主要产品工程师: chief product engineer主要产物,大宗出产: staple主要产品定单, 主要生产定单: principal production order主要产品别月份收益表: monthly income statement by major commodity groups主要产品和副产品生产: main and by-product production产区: growing district; producing unit制盐工业主要产品取样方法: the sampling methods of the main products in the salt industry基尔库克(北部重镇,主要油田产区): kirkuk波希米主: bohemianism岸产区: shore ice belt高产区: high yield area; high-withdrawal area; richest producing area