玉: jade梁: beam骨伤: bone fracture玉梁骨: mandibular articulation process脊梁骨: [方言] backbone; spine 断了脊梁骨的癞皮狗 a mangy dog with a broken back (a term of contempt for renegades, etc.)鼻梁骨折: fracture of the nose bridge打断脊梁骨: break the backbone2外挂梁骨架: pylon framework臂骨伤: fracture of the ulna and the radius; fracture of ulna and radius骨伤科: bone injuries脚骨伤: fracture of metatarsal or phalangeal bone接骨伤: fracture setting脑骨伤: fracture of the cranial bone颧骨伤: injury of zygomatic bone; zygomatic fracture腕骨伤: carpal fracture无骨伤: no bone injury需骨伤: fracture humerus掌骨伤: fracture of metacarpal bone趾骨伤: phalangealfracture橛骨伤: injury of coccyx肱骨伤: fracture of the humerus跗骨伤: fracture of tarsal bone髁骨伤: fracture of the scapula蔽心骨伤: fracture of xiphoid process大楗骨伤: femur fracture; fracture of femur