猴子: monkey手掌: palm; vola刽子手,刽子手,刽子手: zombie, zombie, zombie--刽子手: 1.(旧称执行死刑的人) executioner; headsman2.(屠杀人民的人) slaughterer; butcher骗子手: put-on arist趟子手: tangzi shou郐子手: executioner翻手掌: supinate手掌, 掌: palma manus手掌,掌: voix manus手掌,手心: paume n.f手掌凹: diogenis poculum手掌部: regio volaris manus手掌参: gymnadenia conopsea; shouzhangshen rhizoma gymnadeniae手掌秤: yxszc-a2手掌的: palmarthenarvolar; volar手掌歌: hands chant手掌根: the heel of the hand ie the front part next to the wrist手掌机: game boy手掌区: region volaris manus; regiones volaris manus; volar region of hand手掌印: palm print手掌枝: ramus volaris manus手掌状: palmation铁手掌: du hand; iron hand猴子似的: monkeyish猴子是很有意思的动物: monkeys are very amusing animals