献媚: try to ingratiate oneself wi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...讨好: ingratiate oneself with; faw ...献媚的: kittenish讨好献媚: ingratiate oneself with; fawn on and curry favour with; toady to献媚讨好: fawn on and curry favour with; toady and get advantage from -- to ingratiate oneself with讨好的: claptrap; complaisant; insinuating向当局献媚的报纸: reptile press讨好的面孔: smooth face亲切而讨好的: hqnid hqnid圆滑讨好的话: no.apple butter献媚: try to ingratiate oneself with; curry favour with; flatter; make up to 向上司献媚 fawn on one's superior; 他竭力向王室献媚。 he did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family吃力不讨好的工作: thankless job干费力不讨好的事: be a fool to oneself花言巧语讨好的: smooth-spoken讨好的言语或行为: claptrap讨好: 1.(迎合别人) ingratiate oneself with; fawn on; curry favour with; play up to2.(得到好效果) be rewarded with a fruitful result; get good result 费力不讨好 put in much hard work, but get very little result; undertake a thankless task 没胡子的脸, 一副讨好的面孔: a smooth face总干吃力不讨好的事: be a fool to oneself be a fool for one's pains娓娓动听的, 花言巧语讨好的: smooth-spoken做无米之炊;做吃力不讨好的事情: make bricks without straw娇媚的: buxom; namby-pamby谄媚的: adulation(adulatory); flattering; obsequious; trucklingly; well-oiled妩媚的: enchanting献媚求宠: insinuate oneself into sb.'s favor; use flattery to court one's favour