The tapeworms most commonly found in the human alimentary canal are taenia solium also called the pork tapeworm or armed tapeworm , taenia saginata the beef tapeworm or unarmed tapeworm , and hymenolepis nana the dwarf tapeworm 在人体消化道内寄生的绦虫,常见的有猪肉绦虫又名有钩绦虫牛肉绦虫又名无钩绦虫和短小绦虫等,现在以猪肉绦虫为例说明。
This is one of the most common harmful effects that parasites have on their hosts . for example , roundworms and pork tapeworms live in the intestines and rob the body of nutritious substances in the intestines , thus causing malnutrition . 2 mechanical action : parasites can endanger the host through obstruction , compression and direct damage 1夺取营养:寄生虫摄食宿主的营养物质,供其发育繁殖和生存,这是寄生虫对宿主造成最常见的危害之一,如蛔虫和猪肉绦虫寄生在小肠内,夺取肠道内的营养物质,可引起营养不良。