

[ lángbēnshǐtū ] 发音:   "狼奔豕突"的汉语解释   用"狼奔豕突"造句
  • run like a wolf and rush like a boar; collide right and left; flee in panic [in utter confusion]; tear about like wild beasts
  • 豕突狼奔:    the pigs dash and the wolves rush.; run like wolves and rush like boars -- (of bandits) infest and harass about
  • 豕突:    infest and harass
  • 鼠窜狼奔:    run hither and thither like rats and wolves; run away in all directions
  • 狼鼻,双兔唇:    wolf snout
  • 狼狈周章:    be scared out of one's wits; be panic-stricken; be disconcerted; be terror-stricken; be thrown into utter confusion 我军行动神速, 致使敌军措手不及, 狼狈周章。 our lightning speed knocked the enemy completely off balance and struck fear into its heart


        豕突狼奔:    the pigs dash and the wolves rush.; run like wolves and rush like boars -- (of bandits) infest and harass about
        豕突:    infest and harass
        鼠窜狼奔:    run hither and thither like rats and wolves; run away in all directions
        狼鼻,双兔唇:    wolf snout
        狼狈周章:    be scared out of one's wits; be panic-stricken; be disconcerted; be terror-stricken; be thrown into utter confusion 我军行动神速, 致使敌军措手不及, 狼狈周章。 our lightning speed knocked the enemy completely off balance and struck fear into its heart
        狼鼻龙:    lycorhinus
        狼狈丈夫俏娇妻:    embarrassing husband and witty wife
        狼扯羊:    lang che yang
        狼城脂粉侠:    cat ballou
        狼狈为:    hand in glove(with)
        狼吃掉了那只死了主子的驴子:    wolves eat up the donkey whose master is dead
        狼狈投敌:    flee in a panic to defect to the enemy


        狼奔豕突的日语:〈成〉悪人などが暴れ回ること. 敌军挡不住 dǎngbuzhù 我军的强大压力 yālì ,狼奔豕突地败退 bàituì 下去/強大なわが軍の圧力に耐えかねて,敵軍は野獣のように逃げまどいながら退却していった.
        狼奔豕突的韩语:【성어】 이리와 돼지가 이리 뛰고 저리 뛰다. 비적(匪賊)이나 적군(敵軍)이 무리를 지어 마구 날뛰며 파괴하다. =[豕突狼奔]
        狼奔豕突的俄语:pinyin:lángbēnshǐtū волки бегут прочь, кабаны рвутся вон (обр. в знач.: находиться в крайней панике, разбегаться без оглядки, улепётывать куда попало)
        狼奔豕突什么意思:láng bēn shǐ tū 【解释】豕:猪;突:猛冲。象狼那样奔跑,象猪那样冲撞。形容成群的坏人乱冲乱撞,到处搔扰。 【出处】明·归庄《万古愁》:“有几个狼奔豕突的燕和赵,有几个狗屠驴贩的奴和盗。” 【拼音码】lbst 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、状语;含贬义 【英文】run like a wolf and rush like a boar


  1. "狼狈投敌"英文
  2. "狼狈为"英文
  3. "狼狈丈夫俏娇妻"英文
  4. "狼狈周章"英文
  5. "狼鼻,双兔唇"英文
  6. "狼鼻龙"英文
  7. "狼扯羊"英文
  8. "狼城脂粉侠"英文
  9. "狼吃掉了那只死了主子的驴子"英文


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