

发音:   "独酌"的汉语解释   用"独酌"造句


  1. He sat sipping grog alone downstairs .
  2. It was pleasant to be drinking slowly and to be tasting the wine and to be drinking alone .
  3. Captain s bar recreating the english ambiance for fun and exciting music , the captain s bar with just the right amount of elegance and comfort is the perfect place to either enjoy a glass of wine or a premium beer undisturbed in the quiet zone or to enjoy music from a live band


        :    single; only; sole
        :    drink
        独酌无相亲:    alone i drink no friends follow
        全权处理, 单独酌处权:    sole discretion
        独爪蜃:    ravid
        独资:    sole proprietorship; investment by a sole investor◇独资经营 individual proprietorship; 独资企业 ventures exclusively with one's own investment; solely foreign-owned enterprise; sole [exclusively] foreign-invested project [enterprise]; enterprise owned by a sole investor
        独柱写字台:    single-pedestal desk
        独资, 所有权:    single proprietorship
        独柱台:    single-pedestal table
        独资公司:    corporation sole; one-man business
        独柱寺:    mot cot pagoda
        独资经营:    individual proprietorship; one man business; single-investor enterprise; sole proprietorshienterprise; sole investment enterprise; sole proprietorship; sole-proprietorship operation
        独轴式的:    monaxial


        独酌的日语:どくしゃく 0 独 酌 【名】 【自サ】 自斟自酌
        独酌的韩语:【문어】 (1)[명사] 독작. (2)[동사] 독작하다. 혼자 술을 마시다.
        独酌什么意思:独饮。    ▶ 南朝 宋 鲍照 《园葵赋》: “独酌南轩, 拥琴孤听。”    ▶ 《新唐书‧马周传》: “ 周 命酒一斗八升, 悠然独酌, 众异之。”    ▶ 明 刘基 《题梅屏》诗之二: “独酌梅花下, 怜花与鬓同。”    ▶ 清 陈梦雷 《木瘿瓢赋》: “操一瓢兮独酌, 濯清泉兮汲明月。...


  1. "独轴式的"英文
  2. "独柱寺"英文
  3. "独柱台"英文
  4. "独柱写字台"英文
  5. "独爪蜃"英文
  6. "独酌无相亲"英文
  7. "独资"英文
  8. "独资, 所有权"英文
  9. "独资公司"英文
  10. "独资经营"英文


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