独力: by one's own efforts; on one ...奋斗: struggle; fight; strive独力奋斗的: self-made努力奋斗: go at it; make arduous efforts斗争努力奋斗: struggle举国万众一心的努力奋斗: the concerted efforts and hard work of the whole nation独力: by one's own efforts; on one's own 独力经营 manage affairs on one's own奋斗: struggle; fight; strive 奋斗目标 the objective of a struggle; 为一个崇高的理想而奋斗 strive after a lofty ideal; 那些年, 他只是为成名而奋斗。 in those years he just fought for fame. 为把中国建成社会主义强国而奋斗! strive to build china into a powerful socialist country独力的: singlehanded; unassisted独力地: single-handedly独力经营: manage affairs on one's own独力难支: unable to support single-handed; unable to do sth. alone独自, 独力地: for oneself无助的, 独力的: unassisted斗争;奋斗: struggle而奋斗: hellip奋斗, 争取: strive after; strive for奋斗,努力: struggle奋斗;斗争: struggle奋斗报: effort l'; fern toh pau; l' effort奋斗的: arduous奋斗呐: fendona奋斗者: enfp; strivers刘奋斗: fendou liu为…奋斗: struggle for