狄: Di,a term given to northern ...公案: complicated legal case公案: [旧时用语] (指疑难案件) complicated legal case 无头公案 an intricate case without a clue 包公案: bao gong an公案拍卖: public auction人命公案: a murder case; a case of manslaughter施公案-续集: a collection of shi’s未了公案: unsettled problem无头公案: a mystery case without clues禅宗公案: zen koan狄汞林利尿药: merethoxylline狄更逊水母属: dickinsonia狄汞林钠: merethoxylline sodium狄更新: a tale of two cities/charles dickens狄桂格瑞欧: ernie digregorio狄更斯致子函: from charles dickens to his son狄海文: dd-de haven狄更斯与他的猫: dickens and his cat狄胡近似法: debye-huckel approximation狄更斯与猫: dickens and his cat