

发音:   用"狂暴嗜血"造句
  • a06m
  • 狂暴:    violent; wild; frantic; furi ...
  • 嗜血:    bloodthirsty; bloodsucking
  • 狂暴:    violent; wild; frantic; furious; rapid 狂暴的山洪 raging mountain torrents
  • 嗜血:    bloodthirsty; bloodsucking◇嗜血杆菌 hemophilus; 嗜血生物 hemophile; 嗜血细菌 hemophilic bacteria
  • 变狂暴:    go berserk


        狂暴:    violent; wild; frantic; furi ...
        嗜血:    bloodthirsty; bloodsucking
        狂暴:    violent; wild; frantic; furious; rapid 狂暴的山洪 raging mountain torrents
        嗜血:    bloodthirsty; bloodsucking◇嗜血杆菌 hemophilus; 嗜血生物 hemophile; 嗜血细菌 hemophilic bacteria
        变狂暴:    go berserk
        大狂暴:    greater rage
        狂暴的:    berserk; blustering; blustery; boisterous; frantic; furious; lunatic; nasty; raging; rampageous; raving; ropeable; rough; skimble-scamble; tigerish; tigrish; turbulent; wild-eyed; wroth
        狂暴地:    amok; frantically; furioso; furiously; insanely; rabidly; violentemente; wild
        狂暴化:    give berserk
        狂暴期:    must
        狂暴石:    whwd
        狂暴术:    berserker; rage
        狂暴死:    violent death
        狂暴者:    berserker; demoniac; mauler orc_slayer
        之狂暴:    beast rage; blood frenzy; bloodrage
        嗜血的:    hemophilic
        嗜血谷:    valley of the bloodfurys
        嗜血菌:    hemophilus
        嗜血狂:    blood lust
        嗜血魔:    slawter
        嗜血石:    fgrg
        嗜血术:    a06g; a07w; a09b; blood lust; bloodlust; bows boea bosh bovc boww bdig bens bliq blsa xoeq xore xbof xfos xfom xfol a00w
        不倦狂暴:    tireless rage
        东非狂暴记:    african queen
        集体狂暴:    collective fury


  1. "狂暴猛禽"英文
  2. "狂暴魔狼"英文
  3. "狂暴期"英文
  4. "狂暴圣印"英文
  5. "狂暴石"英文
  6. "狂暴术"英文
  7. "狂暴树精"英文
  8. "狂暴霜冻"英文
  9. "狂暴死"英文
  10. "狂暴西风"英文


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