狂: mad; crazy嚎: howl女妖: enchantress狂嚎女妖神官: howling banshee exarch战之狂嚎: war cry女妖精: banshee; banshie; fifinella野蛮人的狂嚎: howl冰风女妖: frost骨焰-女妖之骨: boneflame-succubus skull海的女妖: sea-nymph海上女妖: siren's song六头女妖: scylla没有女妖: there is no banshee only zul鸟身女妖: harpuiai; harpy女妖的嚎哭: wail of the banshee女妖尖叫: banshee howl女妖之歌: song of siren女妖之骨: normal succubae skull; rare succubae skull; succubus skull女妖之嚎: wail of banshee; wail of the banshee女妖之角: banshee horn千年女妖: demoness from thousand years人鱼女妖: mermaid siren蛇发女妖: meduzot蛇身女妖: lamia水中女妖: lady in the water