特色: characteristic; distinguishi ...图片: picture; photograph评选: choose through public apprai ...特色图片: wikipedia featured pictures彩色图片: color image; colour picture黄色图片: porn假单色图片: pseudo isochromatic charts; pseudoisochromatic chart假单色图片假单色图片: pseudoisochromatic charts长城彩色图片社: great wall color photo service韩一彩色图片公司: hanil corlour co., ltd梨花彩色图片公司: e hwa corlour co. ltd评选: choose through public appraisal; appraise and elect; discuss and elect 被评选为劳动模范 be chosen as a model worker; 评选委员会 jury; selecting committee色图: chromatic graph特色: characteristic; distinguishing feature; item; unique feature 象牙雕刻的传统特色 the traditional features of ivory carving图片: picture; photograph 图片说明 caption; 图片展览 photo exhibition; 图片社 photo service; 图片新闻 art photo journalism底片评片灯: film viewer像片评价: photographic image evaluation底片评定范围: film evaluation scope评选季度内: the department tops in business achievement during the assessment period评选委员会: selecting committee评选细则: detailed rules for assessment设计评选: selection of designk色图: k-chromatic graphn色图: n chromatic graph八色图: eight-color graphics