

发音:   用"特种债券"造句
  • special bonds


  1. In addition , funds may be collected by issuing the long - term special bonds in the capital market


        特种:    special type; particular kin ...
        债券:    bond; debenture; debenture s ...
        特种特赋债券:    special-special assessment bond
        各种债权人:    sundry creditors
        各种债务人:    sundry customers; sundry debtors
        特种:    special type; particular kind◇特种编码 specific coding; 特种兵 special soldier; special troop; 特种玻璃 special glass; 特种部队 special troops; 特种陶瓷 special ceramics; 特种涂料 special coating; 特种武器 special weapon; 特种业务 special service; 特种战争 special warfare
        债券:    bond; debenture; debenture share; debenture certificate 短期债券 short-term liabilities; 特种债券 special bonds; 偿还今年到期的债券 redeem bonds for payment in this year; 他们热心购买政府债券。 they are eager to buy their government bonds. 我把钱用于买债券。 my money is invested in debentures.; 债券持票人 bondholder; debenture holder; 债券持有者 bondholder; bond holder; 债券发行人 floater; 债券发行市场 bond floatation market; 债券费用 bond expenses; 债券基金 bond fund; 债券利息 bond interest; 债券市场 bond market; 债券收益 bond yield; 债券投资 bond investment; 债券投资人 creditor investor; 债券投资信托 bond investment trust; 债券息票 bond coupons; 债券溢价 bond premium; 债券债务 bonded debts; 债券折扣 discount on bonds; 债券折价 bond discount
        各种顾客, 各种债务人:    sundry customers
        各种债权人帐户:    sundry creditors account
        各种债务人帐户:    sundry debtors account
        各种债权人暂时存款:    sundry creditors temporary deposits
        各种债务人暂时欠款:    sundry debtors temporary loans
        特种a台:    special a board
        特种泵:    special pump
        特种兵:    category:special forces; g - ghost; wzhha; yr651
        特种舱:    special category space
        特种车:    special purpose vehicle; special vehicle; specially constructed vehicle
        特种船:    special vessel
        特种窗:    special windows
        特种弹:    special shell
        特种的:    creative; special; specific; unusual
        特种钢:    o special steels; t7-t12
        特种管:    special pipe
        特种坏:    sondermaschine custom-built machine
        特种舰:    special-service ship


  1. "特种运输费率"英文
  2. "特种载货汽车"英文
  3. "特种载重线"英文
  4. "特种闸板"英文
  5. "特种炸药"英文
  6. "特种战车"英文
  7. "特种战略性核材料"英文
  8. "特种战线"英文
  9. "特种战争"英文
  10. "特种战争装甲运输车"英文


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