At 7 : 01 pm we jointly realized that we could transfer $ 100m + between accounts with the level of privilege we had achieved 下午7 : 01 ,我们共同地认识到我们可以利用我们已经达到的特权级在帐户间转帐$ 100m + 。
At the early age of embedded system history , many real - time operating system use multi - task sharing single address space mode , which means kernel and application run in the same priviledge and application can access the whose address space with full pomission , for the limited performance and hardware resource 在嵌入式系统发展早期,由于硬件资源和性能有限,很多实时操作系统采用的是单地址多任务空间模式,即内核和应用都运行在同一特权级,应用程序可以无限制的访问整个系统地址空间。
特权: privilege; prerogative级: level; rank; grade命令特权级: command privilege class特权级别: privilege level描述符特权级: descriptor privilege level命令特权级别: command privilege class服务代表特权级: service representative privilege class系统程序员特权级: system programmer privilege class系统分析员特权级: system analyst privilege class一般用户特权级: general user privilege class假脱机操作员特权级: spooling operator privilege class系统资源操作员特权级: system resource operator privilege class主系统操作员特权级: primary system operator privilege class权级: authority level特权: privilege; prerogative 特权地位 privileged position; 外交特权 diplomatic privileges; 不允许把职权变成特权。 it is not allowed to use one's power to seek privileges. 这个人喜欢搞特权。 this man is fond of seeking privileges.; 特权集团 vested interests;特权阶层 privileged stratum; 特权阶级 privileged class; privileged order; 特权思想 the idea that prerogatives and privileges go with position; the“ special privilege ” mentality语音权级: phonic level特权,特典。: special privilege特权的: prerogative; progress特权法: prerogative law特权费: royalty expense特权税: tax of privilege特权位: privileged bit无特权: ex privileges小特权: privilegium minus优惠,特权: privilege