Year - end special annual event at parthenon tama - ninth symphony concert by tama citizens 帕特农多摩的岁末例行活动、市民演奏的“第九”
Many of the students turned in their lists and included the parthenon , the taj mahal , the great pyramids of egypt , the great wall of china , and the acropolis in athens 老师叫学生列出世界奇景,世界七大奇景。学生交回来的清单,包括巴特农神殿泰姬陵金字塔万里长城雅典
Both stamps appear in a sheetlet set against a backdrop of various olympic graphics , including a discus thrower and the parthenon , a major landmark in the city of athens and a timeless icon of the ancient civilisation that originated the olympic games 巴特农神殿是雅典的地标建筑物,雅典是希腊的历史名城,而希腊则是奥林匹克运动会的发祥地,三者均与奥运息息相关。
There was a teacher that asked the students to list what they considered the most beautiful seven wonders of the world . many of the students turned in their lists and included the parthenon , the taj mahal , the great pyramids of egypt , the great wall of china , and the acropolis in athens 一位老师叫他的学生列出世界七大奇迹,学生们便想到巴特农神殿布达拉宫金字塔中国的长城,还有雅典的阿克波里斯等等。
During the classical period ( 450 - 330 b . c . ) three important temples were erected on the ruins of earlier ones : the parthenon , the erechtheion , and the temple of nike , dedicated to athena parthenos , athena polias , and athena - apteros nike , respectively 在古典时期(公元前450 330 ) ,献给雅典娜珀特嫩的巴特农神殿、雅典纳波丽亚斯的依瑞克提翁神殿、无翼胜利女神的胜利神庙,这三座重要的神庙建立在早期的废墟上。