Roderigo defied the old gentleman and refused to stir . 罗特克还敢公然反抗那个老绅士,拒绝从命。
The change from george robertson to sir george staunton, baffled even the penetration of ratcliffe . 乔治罗伯逊摇身一变为乔治斯汤顿爵士,老练的拉特克利夫也不免失算。
Young men, who rather sought amusing than select society in their merry-meetings, used sometimes to request ratcliffe's company . 过去有些在交往中不为结交朋友、只是寻欢作乐年轻人常常邀拉特克利夫作伴。
Being shy and retiring persons, with no natural inclination for their part, they lived as much as possible in the solitude sylvan of skuytercliff . 由于性情羞怯,天生不爱交际,他们尽可能住在斯库特克利夫僻静的乡间。