物质: matter; substance; material人: human being; man; person; pe ...源于人类活动的物质人为的物质: substanceofanthropogenicorigin出质人: pledger; pledgor受质人: pledge holder高素质人才: high quality talented person木质人造板: wood-base fibre and particle panel material神经质人格: neurotic personality体质人类学: biological anthropology; physical anthropology井场地质人员: well-site geologist生胶质人造丝: o ein silk; ossein silk野外地质人员: field geologista物质: substance at物质: t stuff; t-stuff物质: matter; substance; material 可裂变物质 fissionable material; nuclear materials; 物质以三种形态存在: 固态、 液态和气态。 matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.; 物质不灭定律 the law of conservation of matter; 物质财富 material wealth; 物质产品 physical product; material product; 物质鼓励 material reward; 物质化 materialization; 物质基础 material base; 物质奖励 material reward; 物质力量 material strength; material force; 物质利益 material benefits; material gains; material interests; material well-being; 物质名词 [语言学] material noun; 物质权益 material equity; 物质世界 the material world; the physical world; 物质市场 physical market; 物质守恒 conservation of matter; 物质守恒定律 law of indestructibility of matter; 物质条件 material conditions [prerequisites]; 物质文化 material culture; 物质文明 material civilization; 物质形式 material form; physical form; 物质性 [哲学] materiality; 物质需求 material requisite; 物质运动 the motion of matter; 物质资本 material capital; physical capital; 物质资料 material goods; material values; 物质资源 material resources; physical resources物质-a: substance-a地质人员必须到场: the geologist must be present应用体质人类学: applied physical anthropology祭司, 牧师, 神父, 神质人员, 僧侣, 泰斗: priest神经质人格因素测验: neurotic personality factor test循环性气质人格特性: cyclothymic personality traitc物质: c substanceh物质: h substancep物质: euler-gaddum substance p; p substance; p-substance; substance pz物质: z-material