物理: innate laws of things physic ...中的: hit the target; hit the mark ...群论: group theory; grouping theor ...随机的;物理中的不规则的: random计算机在实验物理中的应用: application of computer in experiment physics蒙特卡罗方法在统计物理中的应用: applications of the monte carlo method in statistical physics群论: group theory; grouping theory; theory of groups拉美物理中心: claf管理中的矩阵: matrix in management管理中的语义: management semantics群论及其在化学中的应用: group theory and its applications in chemistry; groutheory and its applications in chemistry国际材料物理中心: international center for materials physics (icmp); internationales zentrum für materialphysik (icmp)国际理论物理中心: international center for theoretical physics; international centre for theoretical physics (ictp); internationales zentrum für theoretische physik (ictp)(无因管理中的)本人: dominus rei gestae; dominusreigestae审理中的,悬而未决的: pending群论及其在量子化学中的应用: groutheory and its application to quantum哈佛-史密松森天体物理中心: harvard-smithsonian center for astrophysics哈佛-史密松天文物理中心: harvard-smithsonian center for astrophysics计算机在物理中应用: application of computers in physics理中: [中医] regulate the functions of the stomach and spleen阶(群论): order李群论: theory of lie groups群论的: grouptheoretical中心 (群论): center (group theory)都市行政管理中的问题: problems of municipal administration