片面: unilateral; one-sided; singl ...地: the earth看: see; look at; watch问题: question; problem全面地看问题: approach problems from all angles我忽视了一些事实,我会更全面地看问题的。: i overlooked some facts. i'll be more thorough辩证地看问题: look at things dialectically简单地看问题: take a naive view形而上学地看问题: a metaphysical approach〔美口〕看问题片面的人,死脑筋。: johnny one-note看问题要避免主观片面: try to avoid being subjective and one sided when looking at problems(看问题的)角度: per ective; perspective全面看问题: see a problem from all sides看问题的方法: the way one looks at things从不同角度看问题: looking at issues from other viewpoints从长远观点看问题: from a long term point of view带有色眼镜看问题: look at things through coloured spectacles- take a distorted view of sth换个角度看问题: try another perspective看问题目光短浅: take short views看问题要从两面看: you cannot burn the candle at both ends他看问题很尖锐: he sees things with a keen eye. shrill用历史观点看问题: look at the problem from a historical point of view从个人的角度看问题: take a personal view片面: 1.(单方面的) unilateral; one-sided; single-faceted 片面之词[辞] an account given by one party only; one party's version of an event, etc.; one person's word against another's; a one-sided statement; an ex parte statement; 片面追求 one-sided pursuit of; 片面追求产值 single-faceted pursuit of output; put one-sided emphasis on output value; 片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of the graduates who are admitted to schools of a higher level2.(不全面) one-sided; lopsided 片面的看法 a one-sided view; 片面的决定 a one-sided decision; 片面的叙述 a one-sided account; 片面地看问题 take a one-sided approach to problems; 片面夸大 one-sided exaggeration; exaggerate certain aspects of; 片面强调 one-sided stress; put undue emphasis on; unbalanced stress; lay lopsided [undue] stress [emphasis] on sth.; 片面宣传 biased propaganda公正地看待这个问题: treat the subject fairly