爱: love的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...钢琴: piano手: hand悲怆的钢琴: solemn and stirring piano明亮的钢琴: bright acoustic piano; sizbright accoustic piano柔和的钢琴: rhodes piano浪尖上的钢琴: the pianoon on the wave你的钢琴弹得真好: you're a good pianist善感的钢琴诗人: the best of chopin特别处理的钢琴: prepared piano想飞的钢琴少年: vitus有造诣的钢琴家: an accomplished pianist指法很难的钢琴曲: a piano piece with tricky fingering爵士钢琴手兼歌者纳京高: nat king cole钢琴素描,爱的回忆: in loving memory精灵中最动听的钢琴曲: memory of mother享有国际声誉的钢琴家: a pianist with an international reputation在世的最好的钢琴家: the finest living pianist在音乐会上演奏的钢琴家: a concert pianist hall performance你是我最深爱的人(钢琴: you are the person who i love most deeply富有诗意的钢琴奏鸣曲演奏: a poetic rendering of the piano sonata据称是最好的sf2格式的钢琴音色: splendid 136 sf2钢琴: piano; pianoforte 弹钢琴 play the piano; 竖式钢琴 upright piano; 将由 ... 担任钢琴伴奏。 at the piano will be .... 他用钢琴为她伴奏。 he accompanied her on the piano.; 钢琴家 pianist; 钢琴 [风琴]键盘 fingerboard; 钢琴谱 music for piano; pianoscore; 钢琴四重奏 pianoquartet; 钢琴演奏 pianistics; 钢琴演奏者 pianist竖琴手: harperharpist