爱: love生: give birth to; bear雅: refined; elegant爱生活: deng xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts; multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadershiof communist party迪爱生: dic爱生活电气: nec爱生学校: cfs; child-friendly school敬业爱生: devoting to teaching with warm and caring environment热爱生活: jiwan preety; love of life; love your life; loveoflife热爱生命: love of life特别爱生气: be quick to take offense由爱生妒: the jealous kind珍爱生命: no to drugs yes to life; value your own life-stay away from drugs尊师爱生: respect teachers and love students; (an atmosphere of) respect for teachers and love for students; show respect for teachers and love for students; the students respect their teachers and the teachers love their students.; the teachers cherish the pupils [students] who in turn respect the teachers爱生救生气垫: esser rescue cushion提倡尊师爱生: advocate students respecting teachers and teachers cherishing students爱你就像爱生命: lovin' you is like food to my soul旅程之真心爱生命: what a wonderful life; what a wonderful world奇异旅程-真心爱生命: what a wonderful world我爱你就像爱生命: lovin' you is like food to my soul注意健康珍爱生命: gruesome cadavers on view at exhibit thu爱猫扑,爱生活大阪大学: osaka univ japan爱猫扑,爱生活东北大学: tohoku univ japan爱猫扑,爱生活东京大学: tokyo univ japan爱猫扑,爱生活京都大学: kyoto univ japan