Julie fights with the hooligan in order to protect her and gets killed by the hooligan . oi chu flees home and realizes how nice her adopted parents are to her . . 爱珠逃回到养父母家后,始知养父母对她的爱,并不弱于对待自己的亲生女儿。
Cheung oi chu finds out that her parents are not her biological parents so she goes find her real mother . her mother julie is a hooker and lives with 张爱珠李菁饰深得父母疼爱,却无意间获知自已原本是个被收养的孤儿,震惊之馀前往寻找亲生父母。
Cheung oi chu finds out that her parents are not her biological parents so she goes find her real mother . her mother julie is a hooker and lives with a hooligan 张爱珠李菁饰深得父母疼爱,却无意间获知自已原本是个被收养的孤儿,震惊之馀前往寻找亲生父母。
爱: love珠: pearl廖爱珠: oi chu liu月爱珠: candrakānta the moon-love pearl or moonstone which bestows abundance of water or rain爱竹: aichiku爱洲: aisu; aizu爱著迷: the delusion of love for and attachment to the transient and perishing爱州博览会: state fair爱著你: heavenly forest; loving you爱仲: ainaka爱著述的天文学家: the literary astronomer爱重来: encore une fois爱助: aisuke爱重: aishige