爱国: love one's country; be patri ...歌曲: song; vocal爱国歌: aegukka; korean empire aegukga; the patriotic song爱国歌 (俄罗斯): the patriotic song爱国歌组曲: patriotic medley一首外国歌曲: a foreign song国歌: national anthem〔美国〕(独立战争时期流行的)美国歌曲。: yankee doodle爱国: love one's country; be patriotic 强烈的爱国热情 deep love of (one's) country; 爱国公债 government bonds; 爱国华侨 patriotic overseas chinese; 爱国人士 patriotic personage; 爱国同胞 patriotic fellow-countrymen; 爱国卫生运动 patriotic (public) health campaign; 爱国心 patriotic feeling; patriotism; 爱国志士 ardent patriot歌曲: song; vocal 流行歌曲 popular song; 爱情歌曲 love song; 爱国歌曲 patriotic song; 黄色歌曲 smutty song; 独唱歌曲 a song for one voice; 风行一时的歌曲 a hit song; 歌曲集 songbook; 歌曲作法 composition of a song; 歌曲作者 song writer 奏国歌: all rise please. for the p.r.c.national anthem; please rise for the national anthem艾爱国: ai aiguo; aiguo爱国草: comfrey爱国的: partriotic; patriotic爱国地: patriotically爱国花: a patriotic woman爱国会: chinese patriotic catholic association爱国魂: the patriotic souls爱国狂: chauvinistically爱国伞: the patriotic umbrella爱国丸: aikoku maru爱国心: amor patriae; patriotic mind; patriotism爱国者: patriot 这些爱国者宁愿战斗到死, 也不愿投降。 these patriots would fight to death before they surrendered.; 爱国者导弹 patriot missile 陈爱国: ai-guo chen邓爱国: deng aiguo