

[ àiguózhìshì ] 发音:   用"爱国志士"造句
  • noble minded patriot
  • 爱国:    love one's country; be patri ...
  • 志士:    person of ideals and integri ...
  • 仁人志士:    men and women with high ideals; kind and upright men; people with lofty ideals
  • 贤人志士:    a person of virtue and ideals
  • 志士仁人:    people who are actuated by high ideals; kind and upright men; people with high ideals; people with lofty ideals 我们的革命事业还需要一批党外的志士仁人。 our revolutionary cause needs a good number of non-party people with high ideals


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        爱国:    love one's country; be patri ...
        志士:    person of ideals and integri ...
        志士:    person of ideals and integrity; honest patriot 爱国志士 noble-minded patriot
        爱国:    love one's country; be patriotic 强烈的爱国热情 deep love of (one's) country; 爱国公债 government bonds; 爱国华侨 patriotic overseas chinese; 爱国人士 patriotic personage; 爱国同胞 patriotic fellow-countrymen; 爱国卫生运动 patriotic (public) health campaign; 爱国心 patriotic feeling; patriotism; 爱国志士 ardent patriot
        仁人志士:    men and women with high ideals; kind and upright men; people with lofty ideals
        贤人志士:    a person of virtue and ideals
        志士仁人:    people who are actuated by high ideals; kind and upright men; people with high ideals; people with lofty ideals 我们的革命事业还需要一批党外的志士仁人。 our revolutionary cause needs a good number of non-party people with high ideals
        《三国志》:    "History of the Three Kingdoms" marksign
        三国志:    koei sanguo; records of three kingdoms; romance of the three kingdoms; san goku shi; san-kuo chih; warriors of fate
        王国志:    guo-zhi wang
        许国志:    xu guozhi
        德意志士兵报:    deutsche soldatenzeitung die; die deutsche soldatenzeitung
        艾爱国:    ai aiguo; aiguo
        爱国草:    comfrey
        爱国的:    partriotic; patriotic
        爱国地:    patriotically
        爱国歌:    aegukka; korean empire aegukga; the patriotic song
        爱国花:    a patriotic woman
        爱国会:    chinese patriotic catholic association
        爱国魂:    the patriotic souls
        爱国狂:    chauvinistically
        爱国伞:    the patriotic umbrella
        爱国丸:    aikoku maru
        爱国心:    amor patriae; patriotic mind; patriotism
        爱国者:    patriot 这些爱国者宁愿战斗到死, 也不愿投降。 these patriots would fight to death before they surrendered.; 爱国者导弹 patriot missile



  1. "爱国者游戏,又名:天网追击"英文
  2. "爱国者战争"英文
  3. "爱国者之血"英文
  4. "爱国阵线"英文
  5. "爱国拯救运动"英文
  6. "爱国主义"英文
  7. "爱国主义、集体主义和社会理想教育"英文
  8. "爱国主义;爱国情操"英文
  9. "爱国主义报"英文


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