I have a weakness for chocolates and cream cakes 我爱吃巧克力和奶油蛋糕。
Grandma likes to eat chocolate , too 外婆也爱吃巧克力。
Chocolate lovers rejoice . a new study hints that eating milk chocolate may boost brain function 爱吃巧克力的人们可以欢呼了。最新一项研究表明,吃牛奶巧克力可以增强脑功能。
Ben donald , 11 , of maplewood , n . j . , bites into a chocolate covered marshmallow at the annual chocolate show in a file photo 爱吃巧克力的人们可以欢呼了。最新一项研究表明,吃牛奶巧克力可以增强脑功能。
Suddenly , xiaoxiao ' s eyes brightly , a bulk of chocolate is in the refrigerator ' s inside , that is xiaoxiao ' s favorite food , usually her mother will say the chocolate content too much calorie , and sedom let her eat , today , she wanted to eat it happily 忽然,晓晓眼睛一亮,冰箱的角落里有一大块巧克力,晓晓最爱吃巧克力了,平时妈妈说巧克力热量太大,很少让她吃,今天,可要痛痛快快地吃了。