爱: love你: you我: I; my; me做: make; manufacture; produce不: a block of wood到: 39忘记你我做不到: i can not forget you; i can't forget you; i cannot forget you但是我做不到: but i dont做不到: bextaxng努力要忘掉过去,但是我做不到: trying to forget but i won’t let go别人做不到: that we can do something that noboby else can achieve如果做不到: if not you will have to practice at least times; if not you will have to practice each passage at least times做不到的: impracticable不可能,做不到的: out of question我做不好请帮帮我: i can't do it well. please help me. work从不说他做不到: we never told him he couldn't do it但是我恐怕做不到: but i’m afraid i can’t make it但是我却做不到: i've never been good at that - no no没有做不到的事: your imagination is the only limit to what you can do为。。。(做不到某事)而担心: worry about not doing sth想做做不到的事: cry for the moon做他们做不到的事: things that do what they cannot do我将爱你我的全部: i will love you my whole答应某人做不到的事: promise sb. the moon路不行不到,事不做不成: Nothing attempted,nothing done.