爱: love与: take part in; participate in时间: time; hour存在与时间: being and time空间与时间: l space and time日期与时间: time and date时间与时期: time and date死亡与时间: la mort et le temps与时间赛跑: a race against time; run against time; waqt与时间有关: time dependence空间与时间的: spatiotemporal谈时间与时期: taking about the time and date与时间相关的: chroic与时间有关的: time dependent; time-dependent动作与时间研究: motion and time study可靠度与时间关系: reliability over time日期与时间的表示: date and time与时间无关的观测: timeless observation与时间无关的解: time free solution与时间无关的系统: scleronomic system与时间无关的约束: scleronomic co traints; scleronomic constraints; scleronomous binding与时间无关机理: time independent mechanism与时间相关机理: time dependent mechanism与时间有关的变形: time dependent deformation不可靠度与时间关系: unreliability over time