爱: love一: one斤: jin,a unit of weight值: price; value多少: how many; how much价值多少: act 3 whatit’sworth这值多少钱: how much is this worth值多少钱: ans in 11; what’s the price of苹果多少钱一斤: how much of the apples宝贝值多少钱: how much does the baby cost紫碧螺值多少钱: cqb赏金,看看你的头值多少钱。: bounty爱一: aiichi多少: 多少1.(指数量的大小) number; amount 数量不论多少都将受到欢迎。 any amount, great or small, will be appreciated.2.(或多或少) somewhat; more or less; to some extent 多少有点失望 feel somewhat disappointed; 他的情况多少有些改善。 his condition has more or less improved. 他讲的多少有点道理。 there's something in what he says.爱一郎: aiichiro爱一人: to love somebody爱一夜: baobao插值多项式: interpolation polynomial整值多项式: integral valued polynomial多少,多少钱: how much爱一个人: soloversion; somebody to love爱一直持续: love on the run cast大爱一场: big love空爱一场: love's labour's lost; love’s labour’s lost亲爱一族: dears