爆破: blow up; blast; burst; demol ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...轮胎: tyre; shoe爆破的: of puncturing爆破的负荷: burst load爆破的矿石: blasted ore爆破的内胎: blown-out tube爆破的岩石: shot rock难爆破的: tough shooting巴士的轮胎: the wheels on the bus爆裂的轮胎: blown-out tyre翻新的轮胎: recap光秃的轮胎: bald tyres放了气的轮胎: a deflated tyre; collapsed tyre爆破轮胎: blown tire; blown tyre轮胎爆破: blowout of tire; tire blowout爆破的岩石碎块: fly rock不平衡爆破的炮眼: unbalanced shothole二次爆破的炮眼: blocked hole二次爆破的小炮眼: blocked hole带防没凸缘的轮胎: skid ring tire带有防滑链的轮胎: ground-grip tire花纹磨光的轮胎: bald tire; bald tyre花纹磨平的轮胎: baldhead casing花纹已磨光的轮胎: bald tire