- rush dive
- 爆发: erupt; burst; break out; blo ...
- 俯冲: dive; downthrust; nose dive; ...
- 俯冲: 1.(飞机以高速度和大角度向下飞) dive; downthrust; nose dive; pitchdown; pique2.[地质学] (俯冲带) subduction 飞机笔直地俯冲下降, 然后又升起。 the plane dived sharply and then rose again
- 爆发: erupt; burst (out); break out; blow up; detonate; explode; flare up; outburst 火山爆发 volcanic eruption; 人群中爆发出一片欢呼声。 the crowd burst into cheers. 战争爆发。 the war broke out
- 【火箭】俯冲。: pitch-down