煤气: coal gas; gas烤箱: coal-scuttle; roaster; oven煤气烤炉: gas oven电气烤炉: electric grill热气烤干: flue-curing电烤箱: electric oven烘烤箱: baking chamber烤箱;烤炉: oven煤气: coal gas; gas 开煤气 turn on the gas; 点燃煤气 light the gas; 煤气包 gas holder; 煤气爆炸 gas explosion; 煤气表 gasometer; 煤气厂 gasworks; gashouse; gas plant; 煤气储存 gas storage; 煤气储罐 gas holder; 煤气阀 gas valve; 煤气管道 gas conduit; 煤气罐 gas tank; gas container; lpg container; 煤气柜 gas chamber; 煤气警报器 gas alarm valve; gas alarmer; 煤气燃烧器 gas burner; 煤气热水器 gas water heater; 煤气泄漏 gas leak; 煤气窑 gas fired kiln; 煤气用气量 gas consumption amount; 煤气灶(有环形喷头的) gas ring; gas range; gas cooker; 煤气灶具 gas appliance; gas stove equipment; 煤气制造厂 gasworks; 煤气中毒 carbon monoxide poisoning; gas poisoning; 煤气装置 gas fitting 回流焊烤箱: btu vip-70n烤箱,烤炉,灶: oven烤箱器皿: ovenware烤箱手套: oven mitts轻便烘炉,烤箱: baker声宝大烤箱: kz-ea20c太阳能烤箱: solar cookers微波烤箱: microwave oven远红外电烤箱: far-infrared electric oven煤气化煤气: product gas被烤箱烤焦的布: a cloth seared by the heat of the oven干烤箱,热气灭菌器: hot air oven烘炉;烘烤箱;干热灭菌箱: oven家用食品电烤箱: home electrical food cooking oven烤箱烤(多用于荤菜): roast面包烤箱等设备: industrial bakery machines