然后: then; after that; afterwards到: 39收款: make collections台: tower付款: pay a sum of money在此选购商品填单,然后到收款台付款: fill in your selection here and take to a pay point请到收银台付款: could you pay at the cashier's desk收款台: cash-desk; cashier; check out counter; checkout counter付款台: cash desk货到收款: cash on delivery; collect on delivery部门付款台帐: payment record收款通知书(货到收款): advice of collection(超级市场的)点货收款台: checkstand您可以在那边的收银台付款: you pay at the cashier over there收款和付款账户: receipts and payments accounts应收款及应付款: trade receivables and payables分期分批付款或收款: series of payments or receipts货到付款销售, 交货收款销售: cash on delivery sales sales应收款及应付款周转天数: debtor days and creditordays然后: then; after that; afterwards 我们先研究一下, 然后再作决定。 we'll look into the matter first before coming to a decision. 学然后知不足。 one discovers his ignorance only through learning. 客人将在北京停留一天, 然后飞往天津。 the guests will stay in beijing for one day and then fly to tianjin. 先有实践, 然后有认识。 first we do practical work and, through it, we gain knowledge收款: make collections◇收款处 cash desk; cashier's (desk); 收款率 collection rate; 收款明细单 collection schedule; 收款凭单 warrant; 收款员 receiving teller; cashier货到收现款: cash on delivery (c.o.d.)(eng.)临到收获: the time for harvest draws near befall运到收费: collect freight; freight to be prepaid; freight to collect运费到收: freight to be collected freight forward