- poker work
- 焦: burnt; scorched; charred
- 笔画: strokes of a Chinese charact ...
- 笔画: strokes of a chinese character; number of strokes (in a character): “王”字的笔画有四个。 the character 王 has four strokes. (笔画中的点 dot; 横 horizontal; 竖 vertical; 撇 left-falling stroke; 捺 right-falling stroke; 折 turning stroke; 钩 hook stroke)◇笔画边缘 [计算机] stroke edge; 笔画分析 [计算机] stroke analysis; 笔画宽度 stroke width; 笔画中线 [计算机] stroke centerline
- 粉笔画: chalk drawing; crayon drawing; drawing with coloured chalk
- 干笔画: dry brush