Sodium pyrophosphate for industrial use . estimation of pyrophosphate content . potentiometric method 工业用焦磷酸钠.焦磷酸盐的估定.电位滴定法
Histidine a basic amino acid formed only rarely in proteins . it is formed from atp and 5 - phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate in a complex biosynthetic pathway . glutamate is an intermediate in its breakdown 组氨酸:是蛋白质中少有的一种碱性氨基酸。由atp和5 -磷酸核糖基焦磷酸盐通过复杂的生物合成途径合成。在其降解过程中可形成谷氨酸。
The good adhesion of zinc coating can be obtained . 3 . pyrophosphate copper electroplating is conducted by ammonium citrate as a auxiliary complexing agent at around 40 , the narrow range of current density can 3 .焦磷酸盐镀铜时采用柠檬酸铵作为辅助配合剂,温度控制在40左右,电流密度范围较窄,控制在1 . 0a . dm ~ ( - 2 )左右,电镀时间较长,无法达到无孔状态,所以必须采用酸性镀铜加厚铜镀层。