The whole yard was pervaded by the strong smell of a tavernfull of peaceful suggestion and soothing relief to pierrethe smell of hay , of dung , and of tar 满院了散发着和平的此刻令皮埃尔心醉的浓烈的客栈气味,干草,马粪和焦油味。
焦油: tar; pez; goudron; coke tar味: taste; flavour焦油味;杂醇油味: pitchy taste奶油味: butter buttery汽油味: petrol fumes含油;油状;油味: oiliness腻烦油味: loathe the smell of grease牛油味香剂: aroma butter石油味的: pétrol有奶油味的: creamy强烈的汽油味: petrol fume有油味的黄油: rancid butter捕焦油: tar weight粗焦油: crude tar oil骨焦油: bone tar oil焦油, 沥青: pix焦油癌: tar cancer焦油的: tarry焦油酚: tar-acids焦油化: tarring焦油基: tar base焦油碱: tar bases; tar-bases; tarbase焦油坑: tar pit焦油块: oil tar lump焦油蓝: cresyl blue; eresyl blue