Smd environmental testing : tests - test : test methods for solderability of surface mounting devices by wetting balance using lead - free solder paste 环境试验:试验.试验:用无铅焊锡膏湿润平衡法测定表面安装装置
I am using an alloy for chip attach that has a liquidus of 2900c ( sn10 / pb88 / ag2 ) , what do you offer for this application 我正在贴片应用中使用锡10 /铅88 /银2合金的焊锡膏,融点温度是2900c ,有适合这种应用的无铅锡膏吗?
Q : i am using an alloy for chip attach that has a liquidus of 2900c ( sn10 / pb88 / ag2 ) , what do you offer for this application 我正在贴片应用中使用锡10 /铅88 /银2合金的焊锡膏,融点温度是2900c ,有适合这种应用的无铅锡膏吗?
Almit produces a wide range of solders and fluxes with varying attributes and characteristics to suit practically every task 阿米特公司生产一系列焊锡膏、焊锡丝和助焊剂等产品,性能卓越、质量可靠,可满足不同客户的各种需求。
Solder paste or wire , in varying sizes , rma fluxes , offering " no - clean " efficiency , and the latest technologies in the cutting edge lead - free range 焊锡膏和焊锡丝有多种规格可供选择,免清洗助焊剂能使您的工作更加高效,在无铅焊接领域,阿米特公司的技术更是居于世界领先水平。