- resort
- 热闹: lively; bustling with noise ...
- 场所: place; site; lieu; room; are ...
- 热闹: 1.(繁盛活跃) lively; bustling with noise and excitement; (where it is) abustle and astir; boisterous 热闹的菜市场 a food market bustling with activity; a busy food market; 大街上热闹得很。 the street is bustling.2.(欢跃愉快) liven up; exciting; animated; have a jolly time 你说个笑话让大伙儿热闹热闹吧。 tell us a joke to liven things up. 那天他们聚在一起热闹了一番。 that day they got together and had a jolly time.3.(热闹的景象) a scene of bustle and excitement; a noisy and amusing show; a thrilling sight 看热闹 watch the excitement; watch the fun
- 热闹的或时髦的场所或活动: place or activity that is very popular or fashionable
- 场所: place; site; lieu; room; arena 公共场所 a public place; 蚊蝇孳生的场所 a breeding ground of flies and mosquitoes; 娱乐场所 place of recreation; 嘈杂的场所 noisy place; 工作场所 working site; 他没有充分发挥其才能的场所。 he had not an adequate arena for the exercise of his talents