Method for measurement of pyroelectric coefficient of fine ceramics 细陶瓷热电系数的测量方法
Ii ) with the increase of the long - range interaction and the interfacial coupling , the pyroelectric coefficient before the phase transition temperature decreases 另外,随着长程相互作用以及界面耦合强度的增强,相变温度以下的热电系数明显减小。
It is found that the pyroelectric coefficient and susceptibility increase with the decrease of the magnitude of the long - range interaction and the interfacial coupling when the temperature is lower than the phase transition temperature 我们发现,在相变温度以下,随着双层薄膜的界面耦合的减弱,铁电双层薄膜的热电系数和介电极化率增加。
Iv ) for the strong interfacial coupling , there exist three pyroelectric peaks in the temperature curve of pyroelectric coefficient , and with the decrease of the interfacial coupling , the number of the pyroelectric peaks will decrease gradually 我们还发现,较强的界面耦合导致热电系数的温度曲线上的三个热电峰的出现;而界面耦合强度的减弱及铁电超晶格尺寸的减少将导致某些热电峰的消失。
By extending the pyroelectric theory of a ferroelectric bilayer , we have presented the effective pyroelectric coefficient of a ferroelectric sandwich structure by use of the electrostatic theory . when the pyroelectric coefficient of the interface has a large deviation from that of the two - sided slabs and the dielectric constant of the interface is low , the effective pyroelectric coefficient of the sandwich structure may be one or two order higher than the largest pyroelectric coefficient of the components 我们应用静多层结构铁电系统的物理性质研究摘要电场理论,推广了铁电双层膜的热电理论,给出了铁电三明治结构的有效热电系数,发现在界面层的热电系数与上下两层的热电系数差异较大,且界面层的介电常数较小的情况下,三明治这种复合结构材料的有效热电系数比单一组份材料的热电系数可以提高一到两个数量级。