抽换: change by rotation as of rai ...记忆: remember; recall体: body; part of the body热抽换内存: hot swamemory交换记忆: memory swap记忆体: ddr sdram; double data rate sdram; flash; random access memory薄膜记忆体: thin-film microelectronice畴尖记忆体: domain timemory磁碟记忆体: disc memory磁聚记忆体: magnetic mass-memory storage存储器 记忆体: matrix memory低记忆体: lower memory动态记忆体: dynamic memory辅助记忆体: am auxiliary memory高记忆体: high memory; upper memory光磁记忆体: photomagnetic memory光记忆体: photomemory缓冲记忆体: cache基本记忆体: base memory记忆体管理: memory management记忆体回收: gc记忆体检查: examination of memory记忆体阶层: memory hierarchy记忆体倾印: dump memory记忆体区段: memory segment